What is a sound bath experience?
During a sound bath, you should be dressed comfortably as you lie on your back on a yoga mat or sleeping pad with the optional use of pillows, bolsters (under your knees to support blood circulation) and blankets for comfort as you may experience fluctuations in body temperature.
Each sound bath will begin with a short, guided meditation/visualization, and breath work to help soothe the body and quiet the mind.
Once settled, a harmonious sleep-like, meditative state will be reached while you are immersed into an atmosphere of sacral sounds. Each quartz crystal sound bowl and quartz crystal triangle is played with focus, purpose, and intention as you are bathed in healing vibrations and profound love.
Each participant will receive individual attention with either a tuning fork or bamboo wind chimes around the crown of the head continuing over the body, before being gently guided out of the meditation and closing the session.
Everyone’s sound bath experience is different. No two stories are the same. In my case, it gives me peace, comfort and closeness with my Mom. As if she is right next to me.
Some enlightened experiences of seeing colors, feeling weightless, receiving visions, past or future deep emotions, or just simply being more relaxed than they ever have been before.